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Ikomia tools

Install Ikomia tools and start building Computer Vision solutions in a more scalable manner.

Ikomia API

Reusable Computer Vision workflows in a few lines of code.

Ikomia API is an open-source API to train, test, and build reusable Computer Vision workflows. You can select and chain the best state-of-the-art algorithms from your preferred frameworks such as OpenCV, Detectron2, OpenMMLab or YOLO.


pip install ikomia


Desktop prototyping app for Computer Vision.

Ikomia STUDIO is a simple drag-and-drop User Interface to prototype Computer Vision solutions. With its double window, you can watch the effects of your treatments in seconds.


Download Windows Installer

Ikomia CLI

Manage and deploy your Computer Vision project from the command line.

Ikomia CLI is a command line interface to manage and deploy your Computer Vision project. It allows you to create, build and run workflows right from the command line.


pip install ikomia-cli